
Project Details
Student/s: Giorgos Giokalas
Date: August 22, 2009
In the new era of information and technology, architectural world is quickly responding by developing a new form syntax using novel tools and technologies. In parallel, there has been a strong need of a theoretical base, in order to define what has already started to emerge as “New Paradigm”.
My thesis will focus on investigating the notion of “elegance” as a semantic bearer, a conveyor of qualities one can find in the “New Paradigm”. The term Elegance in its current daily use, constitutes a rather shallow significant content, suggesting refinement, taste or purity. That makes it a suitable container that has been carefully selected to get contaminated by new meanings and connotations.
In order to place elegance into the framework of the “New Paradigm”, this thesis will portray its clear relationship with the major stylistic idiom of “Parametricism”.
Even though in the same context, the term “elegance” has been used extensively by a lot of architects and critiques, and many times conveys various architectural connotations in the architectural debate. This thesis is examining and summarizes those various significant aspects that the term has been chosen to incorporate.
It is exploring elegance in the “New Paradigm” through the analysis of the new design syntax and its methodologies. It will also associate elegance with theories of complexity in architecture. It will indicate how elegance can be found in more practical aspects of architectural design, by using “intelligent” responsive systems to solve a complex architectural problem or to economize materials. Finally, it will examine the aesthetic qualities of elegance.
This thesis concludes that since elegance is gradually being embedded and solidified with new meanings and values that are transforming the term, is ultimately contributing to a broader realization and evolution of the realm of the “New Paradigm”.