Biokinetic Architecture

Project Details
Student/s: Valentina Kontakki
Date: August 22, 2016
All creatures seem to have in their nature the principals of movement, in the sense of having the tendency to take part in the processes of change, in terms of space, growth, withering or qualitative decay.
Movement as a feature in architecture is at first the capacity of survival. Architecture has the ability of adapting to change through movement. A feature that makes possible the management of change is by adapting to new circumstances and thus increasing the chances of survival.
The research and use of these basic natural principles on research studies or development of construction projects, is the motivational forces or main features presented in many scientists works, including those of architects, leading, therefore, to the creation of architectural organizations with embedded responsiveness and adaptability. These organizations resemble to those of the living organisms and have the ability to perceive, react and interact with their environment.
The subject area of active changes that will be discussed here thoroughly is Swarm Architecture, as defined by Kas Oostehuis, which is a transaction, fed with data and creating at the same time new transaction fields. While protocells are being studied for the passive change, here are also discussed as the output of research projects that aim to build chemical life through various researches and experimentations.
The aim of this study is to discuss the effectiveness of interdisciplinarity on solving an architectural problem and the utilization of technological tools and information on more comprehensive solutions. How Biology becomes a utilization tool in architecture? How technological tools can process data simply by natural processes and produce valuable information that will exploit and give interesting solutions and proposals to architectural problems?