Περί μιας μη γραμμικής σχέσης αρχιτεκτονικής και μαθηματικών
Project Details
Student/s: Parisi Elissavet
Date: February 14, 2019
Architecture and maths are two separate human activities which have always been interconnected and intertwined in various ways. However, modern architecture is not as closely related to maths as it used to be before modernity (from ancient times up until at least the Renaissance). This charming interaction of the two separate fields, as well as its mysterious termination, are the stimulus for this study, since, in reality, the two fields under discussion bear more similarities than differences.
What are the reasons that led to the gap between maths and architecture and to the disappearance of numbers from the vocabulary of architecture?
How will architects manage to regain mathematical literacy?
In order to answer the above questions an attempt will be made through the study of the historical relationship between maths and architecture, making three stops in the history of the complex and multiple relationships between the two (Renaissance, Modern Movement, and Digital Age).
The ultimate goal of this study is to start the discussion on the role of maths and the new technologies in the modern theory and practice of architecture.
What role should maths play in modern architecture?
How does it stand to benefit from maths and the new scientific developments?
Should maths be incorporated in architectural practice? If yes, in what way? By going back to the relationship they had before the separation of the process of planning and construction, i.e. before mathematical knowledge in planning became an exclusive field for engineers or by getting a relationship of some other form?