Hybrid Systems
AUTH, Undergraduate Studies, Specialization Course, 2014-2015
This studio focuses on the design of hybrid spaces. It concerns spaces that are capable of changing, transforming, interacting with, responding to stimuli related to the urban, human, natural and artificial environment, and to adapt their form and their materiality to the needs these stimuli demand.
The educational objective of the module is to engage students with the experimentations involved in contemporary architecture avant guard through which hybrid spaces and their design through digital techniques constitutes a popular domain.
Through this design studio students will become familiar with the value system that accompanies the discourse of hybrid spaces, the scientific domains that support their design and the digital tools with which they are generated.
The studio will make special reference to the role of the study of anatomy, biology, nature, mathematics and other relevant domains in a bottom-up design process of hybrid spaces and the way they define the logics and mechanisms of morphogenetic processes as well as the ways a hybrid form can change, mutate, adapt, interact and respond…..
The module moreover, will deal with the construction and fabrication techniques, the materiality and the smart materials potentially employed to create hybrid spaces.
The basic knowledge of form generating software is of vital importance.